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Writing From The Heart

January 9, 2024

Being an author is one of the hardest jobs in the world.

Writers create magic. They string words together that capture feelings, emotions, untold memories, tastes of fear and flavors of life. Everything a person can experience, but sometimes can't express, can be crafted into a single sentence. And that sentence, to read ever-so-clearly, may be the result of hours of thought, countless cups of tea, and several walks with the pooch around the block. The emotions get translated into words, and back into emotions. Chat GPT doesn't complete the "translation life-cycle" the same way as the person who has known the feelings, said the words, and shared their feelings with others can express.

Pursuing a career as a writer is not just a mission for me, but a deep-rooted calling. I've received this message from the universe numerous times during my life. For whatever reason, today I remember this particular vessel coming into my home to share this message with me.

And this is one of the many things I love most about writing; when my mind doesn't remember the words, my body feels them.

This lady who was once my friend, I truly cannot even remember her name now (and that bothers me greatly), but she flew in to visit for a collaboration we were pursuing. We shared lunch in my home and she reviewed some of my work. She encouraged me to write, write my message, share my thoughts and express my feelings for the world to hear. This wasn't the objective of her visit, but this is the only part I do recall. Our collaborative efforts didn't transpire, and thus I lost contact with her.

Over a decade ago, this mysterious woman I cannot recall by name, has an energy that still lives on with me today. While I do not recall the project we worked on, or the specific reason for our meet, or even the name she goes by... I can close my eyes and see her as vividly as the day we sat at the table and ate our grilled salmon filets and salad together. I cannot look her up on Facebook, I no longer keep my contacts from that era of my life, so no luck in finding her phone number, either. I would love to let her know how much she means to me after all of these years. But her message to me, I never forgot, and even after she was forgotten; her words not dismissed. She told me I needed to write, to share my heart, to help others.

I hope that she knows I appreciated the advice and her company, which I do still remember to this day. I've heard this same message echoed many times, from many different people over the years. People come into our lives all the time with messages for us. Some remain close while others drift away, such is life. I just happen to know that the mysterious friend I had, is still my friend today, I just cannot recall her name. Yet, I shall yield to her advice and that is a sort of magic in itself... a true friend.