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October 8, 2023

No matter how much I try to plan and prepare, some things just get pushed to the back burner.

I'm faced with a deadline that I put off from a busy time of year, that I thought would be better to handle later. When is that ever a recipe for success? It really isn't.

I'm talking about my tax deadline from my earlier filed extension. That's what I'm going to be focused on finishing today. When April was here, I was preparing for a wedding. My office looked like a flower shop exploded. I couldn't even see the floor as I was trying to create all of my floral arrangements we used at the wedding. I said, I'll file the extension this year, but do it before September, so once we are out of "wedding mode" I'll have more time.

I know I'm not the only one guilty of thinking there is somehow more time to be found in the future. But given the moment I am definitely regretting not taking care of this back in April. I laugh because my Dad was notorious for reminding me hundreds of times, 'finish your taxes' and I can even hear his voice in my head right now, asking, "Why do you always put this off to the last damn minute?" Great question, Dad... how I hated being reminded every phone call leading up to a tax deadline back then. Today, I could have benefited from those earlier reminders. Funny how some of the memories you cherish most, were things that made you cranky in the moment.

But, there is no denying the amount of relief I feel when I mail them off and know I'm done for another year. Wish me luck...