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Learning New Skills

August 25, 2023

As a 40 year adult (hey, I'm not old yet!), I've been removed from the formal education world over the last twenty years. That doesn't mean I've stopped investing in my education and pursuit of learning new skills.

My most recent pursuit has me slightly nervous. I'm not doubting myself, I know with enough University of YouTube videos, I'll be able to figure it out. But I am going to start teaching myself CAD software to operate my newest acquisition, my 3D Printer. I invested in the purchase of a 3D printer to help support my other passion project, pottery. The ability to print 3D tools on demand and make my own shapes, designs and impressions to mark into raw clay screams endless possibilities and giving me sovereignty to never be at the mercy of a merchandise provider again. Well, almost never again.

But the learning curve is steep. I've never done anything like this on my own. The most comparable machine I've navigated to make things would be my Cricut machine, and let's face it--they've created that interface for Grandmas to operate. CAD software, not so much. There are University courses for this kind of know-how.

But as much as I believe it is necessary to do physically hard things on a daily basis with your body, to keep your strength up from aging, I know it doesn't stop there. Doing mentally hard things on a daily basis is even more essential for your mind. I have several educational pursuits for myself in the works. I'm participating in an author writing course this fall, and have been exercising my writing on a much more regular basis through maintaining this blog.

Every time we confront the reality that we do not know something and choose to learn and pursue knowledge we are indeed affirming we are capable. We are saying we are ready to grow. We always have a choice, we can throw our hands up in the air and say I just don't know how to do this, or we can set aside time to learn. I'm choosing to set aside time to learn, because I have no clue on how to operate CAD software and speak Engineer. But I also do not want to sit on my hands and wait for someone else to create what I know needs to be in the world... If that is expressed through my writing or my art, I will find a way to create it. And that is my fuel for embarking on this next endeavor. Feel free to wish my luck!