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Genius is a Habit

October 5, 2023

The smartest person in the world has done or said something stupid in their lifetime. No one is exempt. And some people can make up for less intelligence or experience with other qualities and traits. Like great preparation, timing and planning. When we use the phrase, "setting it up for success" we are doing just that... trying to 'fool-proof' the outcome.

My mantra leading into 75 Hard that I mentioned I'll be starting on Monday next week has been that... I just have to do it once. Not 75 days, but once. And then repeat. I know I can do it once. I know because I've done this kind of thing before. It is not about the duration of time, it is about the moment in time. And it doesn't need to be to the point where I can't move for a week following Monday. I just need to meet the requirements for the day. Because the requirements are not 'hard' to meet. They just require preparation.

Drinking a gallon of water a day may seem like a lot, but it's having a big 10 oz. glass of water in the morning with my vitamins, and then filling my 40 oz. water bottle 3x a day. Once by 10 am, 1 and 4 pm each day, so I'm not drinking an entire gallon of water right before bedtime.

Structure helps everything. It helps buildings stand the test of time. It helps people accomplish great things in a day. And it helps people like me finish something in my head before I even begin, like 75 Hard. I write about this today because I am reviewing my structure and writing up some plans for each scenario. It is good to take something seriously that it requires you to plan ahead.

They say, if you want something done, give it to a busy person. Because people who are responsible for juggling more tasks usually have better time management skills. I try to structure my day so I am not putting out fires frantically from one crisis to the next, but rather getting ahead of potential problems and positioning myself in the right place to make the most of my efforts.

No one is perfect, but I do believe the people we refer to as "Genius" just practice better habits and master the art of positioning better than those who don't plan at all.