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Formula for Happiness

September 24, 2023

It's been a few weeks since I've sat down to blog. And man, let me tell you, I have been missing it! Ever feel like you've gotten so caught up in life that you truly are living the dream? I'm talking about all of your ideal visions of life are actually playing out one day at a time?

I really have experienced this steadily for the past month now. I don't know if it is the pure bliss of being recently married, or just the season of inspiration taking over everything I do. But I am so grateful to wake up this morning and share this beautiful feeling with anyone who cares to read this blog entry.

I feel like everything is in proper alignment right now. I feel I have had sufficient time to share with my husband, my friends, my work, my passion projects (well, maybe not sufficient time on my passion projects, but definitely more than I have had in preparation for the wedding).

Last week we had a Mountain adventure in Northern Georgia with our closest friends. This weekend friends treated us to an Escape room and dinner in honor of our wedding! We escaped with plenty of time to spare so that was pretty exhilarating!

We celebrated with a friend's baby shower, too! We also celebrated what would have been Laurin's 35th Birthday today, over dinner last night with dear friends of hers, that have evolved into dear friends of mine as well. That was just good for the soul, and also a lot of fun. When you have a perfect weather experience, combined with amazing people and good food, and get to enjoy the first fire pit of the season to welcome in Autumn--I truly can't ask for more!

Mike and I have a fun adventure planned for the week ahead, and really, our first vacation as husband and wife that is just for the two of us. We have a full calendar from now till the end of the year lined up with so much to look forward to. It is incredible how everything has carved its way into an open space and figured itself out perfectly.

In personal development training, a lot is centered around creating your "ideal day experience." I've done this exercise thousands of times, and some similar components are always part of my ideal day. But what I've come to realize, it's not about having a stretch of 24-hours and getting all the great things in during that time. It's capturing the feeling and doing that on repeat day after day.

I love variety and enjoy new experiences... I feel my "ideal day" captures both of these and puts the events on autopilot. Whatever will be, will be! And when you can sit back at the end of the day and say I got to do this with the person I love by my side, share it with others, and ultimately expand my lens of the world; success will always be the sum of that equation.

While it may have taken me awhile to realize the "ideal day exercise" is a feeling and not an agenda of things to do, I'm glad to finally be understanding that feeling and ways to recreate it on a regular basis. Happiness is simply the presence of trust harmonizing with love, being expressed in the moments you share with others.